While She Sleeps // 02 ABC (Glasgow) : 8 February 2018

While She Sleeps returned to Glasgow since their album release of "You Are We" to play the 02 ABC alongside Counterfeit. and Blood Youth on the 8th of February 2018. As a result I decided to go along to the show and share my views on all three bands that played.

The first band to perform was Blood Youth, a four piece, hardcore punk band from Harrogate, England. With loads of energy right from the very beginning of their set this was a band I was excited about and one which also excited the crowd by having a lot of people singing along to their music as well as crowd-surfing. This made Blood Youth an amazing opening act for the show and one that got the crowd excited for what was coming next. It was nice to also see that they did thank the security as well for looking after everyone, which did show how humble a band they are. This is definitely a band to keep your eyes on in 2018 especially within the United Kingdom.

Counterfeit. was next to embrace the stage; a  five piece punk-rock band from London, England. As the crowd did not know them they did find it harder to get the crowd involved with the set as Blood Youth just before them had done. However, this did not stop them from owning the stage and floor as the vocalist and guitarist did go into the crowd to sing their single "Family Suicide". With smooth transactions between the songs as well this was a band which managed to keep the audience entertained throughout the set. I do think however that they should have been the first band to be on the stage instead of main support due to the audiences reaction to Counterfeit. not having been as energetic as they had been previously. As Counterfeit. personally are one of my favourite bands I would definitely recommend giving them a listen to and catching them live if you get the opportunity.

Finally, it was the time for the headline band While She Sleeps, a five piece metalcore band from Sheffield, England. As the audience went mental for this band and all got very involved with the music that they were hearing by singing along to all the songs as well as joining in with all that While She Sleeps was doing as well as mosh pits and crowd-surfing you could see why they were tht headline band. With also having their own lighting for their set making them stand out among the other artists who had already performed it added to the performance making it hard to stay still. As their set continued they did get two people to come on and do guest vocals for them which was a great addition to the show making them one to get everyone involved and keep the audience wondering what was going to happen next. At the end they also thanked everyone who came and thanked everyone who has been supporting them as well as the promoter and everyone else involved in putting on the show which showed how humble a band they are and that they really are just happy to share their music with people. Although not personally being my style of music While She Sleeps put on an amazing show and are a band I recommend to people who love metal music. I wish them all the best in what comes next for them.

Overall, this was a great show and one that I wish I could do all over again. If you get the chance to see any of these bands near you I would highly suggest going along as you will not be disappointed.

Bands and their Music:

Blood Youth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloodyouth/
"Parasite" Official Live Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SIVUguKWG0

Counterfeit. : 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealcounterfeit/
"You Can't Rely" Official Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgvA8hRKS4w

While She Sleeps: 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whileshesleeps/
"Steal The Sun" Official Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I65FVY6sqWk


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