Shattered Horizons // Opium (Edinburgh): 14th January 2018

On the second sunday of January Shattered Horizons, Bearers of the Divide, Islasorna, Artificial Pathogen and Grievance played a show at Opium in Edinburgh. Although not a nice day outside which did effect the size of the crowd the bands all gave it their all and this is what we thought of all of the bands who played the show thanks to Empathy Promotions.

The first band on the stage was Grievance a metalcore/ deathcore band hailing from Dundee, Scotland. This was the first time the band had played a show in Edinburgh and a band in which the audience didn't know. However, the band did not let this stop them and brought a lot of energy to their set with heavy songs as well as breakdowns which fitted the vocalist as well as the band themselves which showed a lot of potential for the band to grow into a band that could have a lot of success. I look forward to seeing what is next for them and are a band I will now be looking forward to hearing more about.

Next on the stage was Artificial Pathogen a slam band from Glasgow, Scotland. This band was the odd one out on the line-up with them being the heaviest but was a great addition to the show. As their first show  in Edinburgh as well this was a band which managed to have a good connection on stage which even got the crowd involved by having the audience two-step and "hardcore" dance in the middle of the room. With their first show together going down so well this is a band that will be blowing up the UK metal and slam scene very soon.

Edinburgh's own Islasorna was the third band on the line-up. With going back to metal music the crowd started nodding their heads to the beat getting used to the change in sound again. With them mostly playing music coming off of their up and coming album not many people knew the songs that were being sang but also happily surprising the audience. Another surprise was when they brought their old vocalist onto the stage with them and sang "Faceless" which was a song that meant a lot for the old vocalist. As both vocalists sang perfectly in union this song was one that stood out from the others.

Bearers of the Divide from Glasgow, Scotland were next to go on the stage. As the vocalist was ill it did effect the set with his clean vocals however he didn't let this effect him and continued to the best of his ability. Playing new songs from their up and coming EP a lot of people didn't know the songs that they were playing, however at one point they did their charity cover of Linkin Park's own "Points of Authority" which had some of the crowd singing along and the vocalist of Grievance taking the mic and doing some of the vocals. With also addressing the crowd about how some people left before they came on and thanking everyone who decided to stay and to stay around for the headline act Shattered Horizons. This is a band we can't wait to see again when the vocalist is feeling better.

Finally, it was time for the headline act Shattered Horizons from Stirling, Scotland. As a headliner they were the perfect choice with their smooth set and vocals that was perfect for the death metal sound. With Shattered Horizons getting all of the audience on their feet and with more dancing from the audience who had stayed around to see them. You can also tell this band is of a professional level as when the guitarist who is also the vocalist of Islasorna (showing how talented he is) fell during the set they did not let this fault them and they continued like nothing had happened. As their set came to an end they thanked the audience, sound tech and promoter for having put them on and coming to see them perform making this band have a very humble nature and make the crowd appreciate the band even more before playing their final song. This is a band who has a lot going for them and who I look forward to hearing more from in the future.

Bands and Their Music: 

"Vultures" official audio:

Artificial Pathogen: 
"Days of Rot" official teaser:

"Deadweight" Official Music Video:

Bearers of the Divide: 
"Points of Authority" Linkin Park Cover:

Shattered Horizons:
"Hangman's Covenant" official audio:


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