Holding Absence // Audio (Glasgow) : 5 March 2018

On the 2nd of March Holding Absence and Loathe were meant to be playing Audio in Glasgow. However due to the bad weather that had been going about the United Kingdom at the time the show had to get postponed to the 5th of March. However, this did not stop both bands from coming to Glasgow, Scotland and giving the audience an amazing show as well as the local support from Divide and Rainfalls. 

Rainfalls a four piece melodic-hardcore band hailing from Glasgow, Scotland was first to set foot on the stage. This band had a great sound to them which managed to get the crowd nicely ready for the artists who were ahead of them, as well as putting on a good show themselves. However, with the vocalist's back to the crowd throughout most of the set and with the stage rather dark throughout with only flashing lights it did make the stage hard to look at, at times. This is a band which does have a lot of talent however and would fit perfectly on a hardcore show.

The other local band for the evening Divide, a female fronted five piece alt rock band from Glasgow, Scotland were second to embrace the stage. This is a band in which had a very different sound and style from the previous band however, this did not phase the crowd to which they were playing to. With Nicole (vocalist) having fun on the stage showing she was a great front woman and one who had a lot of talent to show off. Including the audience by getting them to clap along and having the crowd dancing along to their music. This is a band that had a great flow to their set and a set which was not to be missed! I can't wait to see what comes next for them and highly suggest if you get the chance to go down and see them live as you will not be disappointed!

Co-headliner Loathe was next to come to the stage. This touring band is a five piece metalcore from Liverpool, England. With recently released a split EP with Holding Absence called "This Is As One" the crowd were excited for their set and hearing the new songs released from it. As a result of this the crowd was joining in from the very start two-stepping, hardcore dancing and moshing. As the set went on you could see how good Kadeem (vocalist) was on the stage and had full control of the crowd and captivating them with every song that they played throughout their set. With a great flow between the songs and when they were talking it is easy to understand why they are one of the hottest bands in the underground metal scene. This band is definitely one to keep an eye on, as they are sure to blow up in 2018!

Finally, it was time for Holding Absence, a five piece post-hardcore band from Cardiff, Wales to close the show. Having such a fresh sound in the music scene and the amount of emotion in which they put into their music it is no surprise that they had full control of the audience and had some of the audience in tears. With Lucas (vocalist) having such emotion in his voice and singing songs such as Penance it was hard for the crowd to look away and showing that they have amazing stage presence! As well as this the band thanked everyone for coming to the show which showed just how humble the band are. This is personally one of my favourite bands and I couldn't say anything bad about them, Holding Absence are a band to keep an eye on!

Overall, all the bands had a great set and had a good crowd even though the show had to be rescheduled which was a nice surprise. I can't wait to see what these bands do next and to possibly review them again in the future.

Bands and their Music 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rainfallsuk/?ref=br_rs
"Monologue Part 2" official music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUJaz6hPOUw

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WEAREDIVIDE/
"Catalyst" Official Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB4PEEAwOF4

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loatheasone/
"White Hot" Official Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srGBy5HPiSQ

Holding Absence:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Holdingabsence/
"Everything" Official Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flEpHUztcnc


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