Carcer City // Opium (Edinburgh) : 27 January 2018

As well as doing larger shows, we are happy to get the chance to get to review smaller and more local shows. As a result of this we teamed up with Exile Promotions from Edinburgh to review a local metal show at Opium in Edinburgh. The line-up consisted of Carcer City, Sworn Amongst, The Weight Of Atlas and House of Hatchets. This is what we thought of all of the artists who performed and the night overall.

The first band to the stage was House Of Hatchets a four piece alt metal band from Edinburgh, Scotland. This was a band who had a lot of energy on stage and although people didn't know their songs did not let this stop them from having a really fun time on stage. This was made better by very clear vocals throughout their set making the audience able to hear everything that they were saying very clearly as well as smooth transitions from the beginning of their set till the very end. Playing songs from their EP "The Grind" as well as a new single coming from their up and coming album. House of Hatchets are a band that has a great sound and a lot of potential to grow. If you get the chance to see them live make sure you take it as you will not be disappointed!!

Next to take the stage was post-hardcore band The Weight Of Atlas from Dundee, Scotland. As the second band on the stage the audience came closer to the stage and was more interactive with the band than they were before. This led to the audience banging their heads along with the music and even one of the members of the audience who was singing along to all of the songs getting a microphone and performing on one of their songs with them. With the band getting more energy and reacting off of the audience they kept their set very smooth and transitioned well between all of their songs. This is a band which you will want to keep your eyes on throughout 2018.

Sworn Amongst a metal band from Hull, England were next to grace the stage. With not as much energy from the audience as with The Weight Of Atlas this did not stop the band putting a lot of energy into their set and showing the crowd that not only were they performing they were having fun on the stage. With clean transitions between songs and trying to get the audience involved with their set with banging their heads and clapping their hands along with their music this was a band who you could tell loved being on the stage. One thing that did stand them apart from the others was that they dedicated their song "the cleansing" to two of the audience members who came up from England to see them perform in Scotland, showing that the band are very humble and really care about the people who come out to support them. Sworn Amongst were a good main support band that showed their passion for music and performing live.

Finally, Liverpool metal band Carcer City headlined the whole show. With a very clean set there wasn't much you could fault about their set. With a large amount of energy throughout their set and smooth transitions between songs the audience got on board with them and had the audience getting involved with the set as well as having a dance. This was a great headline band which everyone at the show could see had a lot of experience behind them and let it show. This is a band metalcore fans should definitely check out.

Overall, the night was a success and Exile Promotions put on a perfect line-up for this show that you could not fault. This was a show which showed that people really do need to support the local music scene as without it a lot of potential talent would not have the chance to express themselves and show themselves off to the world. Please make sure to support your local scene!

Exile Promotions:

Bands and their Music 

House of Hatchets:
"Sleep" Official Music Video:

The Weight Of Atlas:
"The Art Of Letting Go" Official Music Video:

Sworn Amongst:
"The Cleansing" Official Music Video:

Carcer City:
"Sovereign" Official Music Video:


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